Hi there.
First, I appreciate you being here, and for being interested in wanting to know more about me, wow! I will try not to bore you-- nonetheless.
You know that ADHD that everyone on TikTok is realizing they have as an adult?! Yeah. I was diagnosed when I was 25, I am 31 now. You're probably wondering why the heck I'm even telling you this... it will make sense shortly. I got my first Nikon in 2006 as a Christmas gift from my husband. Did I want a camera for Christmas, no. Did I know anything about photography, definitely not. But, was I going to deny a new creative outlet in the form of this camera? Also, no. We had both graduated from Navarre high school and to OH on orders, then graciously back to the panhandle for his military training and I was deeply searching for purpose, as I tried to adapt to being a mother and military spouse. I tend to do that, search for purpose a lot, being a creative with ADHD. I am often the person coming up with a random idea and scouring the internet for hours/days learning everything I can to master that said idea. 90% of the time the crazy idea works out. Truthfully, photography wasn't initially a calling to me but I really enjoyed setting up curated little corners of the house and sticking my daughter all dressed up into them. I think that is what kept me interested. I could always do something new, exciting and get different results. We received orders after my husband, Sean's, training to Hickam, AFB on the island of Oahu, HI. Let me tell you 8 years of living on the island in a slow paced, bountiful amounts locally sourced food, the kindest locals who LIKE to eat and feed you, beautiful weather all year, the deepest blue mesmorizing ocean full of sea life and reef, mountains so tall and majestic, thrilling muddy hiking adventures at literally every corner of the island, local/small business enthusiastic community, was HEAVENLY. I am so grateful to have had such a long time to explore and grow as a woman, mother and photographer. I was able to capture so many people in breathtaking locations and really hone in on what style I wanted to have as an artist and now I'm bringing all that knowledge back home to the panhandle with my, husband, 4 children and 2 goldens! So yeah, that's how I became the photographer that I am today.
coffee addict
As most humans.
Embracing every moment of this human experience.
Catch me at home, always, in my pajamas + socks.
Always seeking.
XX- Ashlee
kind words
what clients are saying